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Schreiner, Griffiths, Kutlu, Vollmar, Kaufmann, Quach, Remi, Noachtar & Staudigl, 2024. Spindle-locked ripples mediate memory reactivation during human NREM sleep. Nature Communications 15, 5249.

Griffiths, Schreiner, Schaefer, Vollmar, Kaufmann, Quach, Remi, Noachtar & Staudigl, 2024. Electrophysiological signatures of veridical head direction in humans. Nature Human Behaviour.


Schreiner, Petzka, Staudigl & Staresina, 2023. Respiration modulates sleep-oscillations and memory reactivation in humans. Nature Communications, 14, 8351. 

Cordi, Schreiner & Rasch, 2023. Is prior knowledge essential? Additional training opportunities restore sleep- associated memory benefits under conditions of low prior knowledge. Journal of Sleep Research, 


Schreiner, Kaufmann, Noachtar, Mehrkens & Staudigl, 2022. The human thalamus orchestrates neocortical oscillations during NREM sleep. Nature Communications, 13, 5231.


Schreiner, Petzka, Staudigl & Staresina, 2021. Endogenous memory reactivation during sleep in humans is clocked by slow oscillation-spindle complexes. Nature Communications, 12, 3112.


Schreiner & Staudigl, 2020. Electrophysiological signatures of memory reactivation in humans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 375: 20190293. 


Göldi, van Poppel, Rasch & Schreiner, 2019. Increased neuronal signatures of targeted memory reactivation during slow-wave up states. Scientific Reports, 9: 2715.

Schreiner & Staresina, 2019. Sleep: Rock and Swing versus Toss and Turn. Current Biology,  29(3), R68-R88.


Schreiner, Doeller, Jensen, Rasch & Staudigl, 2018. Theta phase coordinated memory reactivation reoccurs in a slow-oscillatory rhythm during NREM sleep. Cell reports, 25(2), 296-301.

Cordi, Schreiner & Rasch, 2018. No Effect of Vocabulary Reactivation in Older Adults. Neuropsychologia, 219, 253-261.


Schreiner & Rasch, 2017. The beneficial role of memory reactivation for language learning during sleep: A review. Brain and Language, 167, 94-105.

Göldi & Schreiner, 2017. Clicking the brain into deep sleep. European Journal of Neuroscience, 45(5), 629-630.

Groch, Schreiner, Rasch, Huber & Wilhelm, 2017. Prior knowledge is essential for the beneficial effect of targeted memory reactivation during sleep. Scientific Reports, 7:39763.



Lehmann, Schreiner & Rasch ,2016. Emotional arousal modulates oscillatory correlates of targeted memory reactivation during NREM, but not REM sleep. Scientific Reports, 6: 39229.

Schreiner & Rasch, 2016. To gain or not to gain – the complex role of sleep for memory. Cortex, 74, 289-296.


Schreiner, Lehmann & Rasch, 2015. Auditory feedback blocks beneficial effects of cueing during sleep. Nature Communications, 6, 8729.

Schreiner & Rasch, 2015. Cueing vocabulary during daytime wake has no effect on memory. Somnologie -        Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, 19(2), 133-140.

Schreiner, Göldi & Rasch, 2015. Cueing vocabulary during sleep increases theta activity during later recognition testing. Psychophysiology, 52(11), 1538-43.

Schreiner & Rasch, 2015. Boosting Vocabulary Learning by Cueing during Sleep. Cerebral Cortex, 25(11), 4169-4179.

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